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Medieval manuscripts (codices)NUMBER: 122 codices (9th–15th century) MANUSCRIPT COLLECTION |
Collection description:
The collection of medieval manuscripts comprises 122 codices. The medieval material also includes some fragments of manuscripts found as bookbinding material. The collection of Latin manuscripts from the 9th to the end of the 15th century, comprising 91 units, is the most extensive. Medieval manuscripts from the collections of the Slavist Jernej Kopitar and Baron Žiga Zois, written in Cyrillic or Glagolitic, are also very important.
Valuable medieval material:
- Codex Suprasliensis, written in Cyrillic of the Old Church Slavonic language, on the territory of today‛s Bulgaria in the first half of the 11th century.
- Augustinus: De civitate Dei, from the Bistra monastery, the most richly illuminated Slovenian medieval codex, created in 1347.
- Gregorius Magnus: Moralia, the oldest codex held at NUK, from the first half of the 9th century written in the Carolingian minuscule script.
- Chronica de la nobel cita de Ueniexia, a list of the Venice doges and aristocrats with their coats of arms from the beginning of the 15th century.
- Stična Manuscript, one of the most important Slovenian medieval texts, written around 1428.
- Calendarium ad annum, 1415, a folded reference calendar on parchment with depictions of rural works, saints and celestial signs.
Philosophiae consolationis liber ...
Variae (165a-203a). De anima (203a-206b)
Legenda beatae Catherinae de Senis