Zbirka protestantskih tiskovVOLUME: some 100 items. The collection is being supplemented. |
The Slovenian literature experienced its first significant upsurge in the middle of the 16th century. The language, establishing the foundations of literature developed virtually from scratch in a few decades. Primož Trubar, Jurij Dalmatin, Sebastijan Krelj, Adam Bohorič and other Slovenes, as well as some foreigners, wrote or adapted and published sixty books in the Slovenian language in only five decades, which is a remarkable achievement. Books were published in beautiful decoration and in relatively high print runs, from 1000 to 2000 copies. All - except two (Pachernecker, Bohorič) - are preserved in their original form, and most of the originals are held in the National and University Library. These precious book rarities are of inestimable value for the Slovenian language and culture. These include all the basic works for religious life and service, e.g. catechisms, song-books, the complete Bible, Sunday and holiday fasting, ecclesiastical legal texts, etc., as well as basic language manuals, e.g. alphabet books, grammar and dictionaries. The translation of the Bible proves the maturity of the Slovenian literary language. Only 30 years after Luther's translation into German, the Bible was translated into Slovenian - as the 17th of the living European languages.
Examples from the collection:
Dalmatinov prevod Svetega pisma (1584) - Dalmatin's translation of the Bible
Trubarjev Katekizem (1555) - Trubar’s Catechism
Trubarjeva Hišna postila (1595) - Trubar’s House postille
Adam Bohorič - Zimske urice(1584) - Arcticae horulae succisivae (Free Winter Hours) by A. Bohorič