“As it is most likely the last opportunity to build NUK2, it should be said clearly and loudly once more: we need NUK2 because it is our task to pass the richness of cultural heritage, written knowledge, experience and imagination to present and future generations - to enable users, primarily students and researchers, to access records in analogue and digital form, and also to train them to search for information and offer them all the assistance necessary. To be even more exact: users urgently need NUK2. They need modern facilities with 1,500 study reading places for studying and researching. They need space for 300,000 books. They need individual research carrels. They need a night reading room. They need premises for studying in groups. They need a computer class room, a hall for presentations and professional meetings. Users need spaces where librarians will provide information support in obtaining, evaluating and using information. They need premises to conduct workshops, a creativity space. They need multimedia training facilities. In short, they need spaces in which they would acquire knowledge and skills. Since the last train to build NUK2 can depart, we must urgently communicate these needs in a clear request:
Let's build NUK2 - now!"
Viljem Leban, NUK Director: Zakaj (že) potrebujemo NUK 2?
NUK 2 – Library for the 21st Century
NUK 2 will be the first public space of culture and knowledge to be built in the independent Slovenia. A modern crossroads of knowledge, creativity, innovation, imagination, dialogue and connections will emerge above the remnants of the Roman Emona. Culture, science and economy will be brought together in the modern library. Together with the Plečnik palace, it will be a link between the past and the future.
NUK 2 will be designed to needs of a modern user. The multi-purpose centre will be equipped with modern technology. In the new building, which will co-create a cultural, social and spiritual space, there be will 1,500 study reading seats, individual research carrels, computer classrooms, project rooms, creativity spaces, studios, halls for presentations and professional meetings, rooms for workshops, study groups, and education of librarians, and a social space. The new library will store 300,000 books, which will be openly accessible to users. Serial publications, film and music material in digital form will be available on the internal network. NUK 2 will be an inclusive learning space in all the ways, and for all generations. It will be an open centre of knowledge and a democratic place, a promoter of dialogue, where it is desirable to discuss, oppose and doubt. It will be a site of interdisciplinary cooperation, community meetings and a crossroads of lively university events.
With its night reading room, the modern and educational cultural centre will be - in the broadest sense of the word, available to users 24 hours a day.
In seven floors, on 13,600 square meters, NUK 2 will be a space in which the richness of cultural heritage, written and collected knowledge, experience and imagination will be passed on to present and future generations. It will be a milieu where new ideas and reflections will emerge, and where knowledge will be created.
![nuk2_2 dekorativna slika](https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/eng/sites/default/files/nuk2_3_1.jpg)
![nuk2 dekorativna slika](https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/eng/sites/default/files/nuk2_6_1.jpg)
![nuk2_1 dekorativna slika](https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/eng/sites/default/files/nuk2_5_1.jpg)
![nuk2_3 dekorativna slika](https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/eng/sites/default/files/nuk2_4_1.jpg)
![nuk2_4 dekorativna slika](https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/eng/sites/default/files/nuk2_2_1.jpg)
![nuk2_5 dekorativna slika](https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/eng/sites/default/files/nuk2_7_1.jpg)