- Europeana Common Culture (1. 1. 2019–30. 6. 2020)
- Development of multifunctional polysaccharide composite nanoparticles for deacidification, strength improvement and prevention of microbiological attack of cellulose-based historical artifacts (1. 7. 2019‒30. 6. 2022)
- Financial literacy through public libraries (1. 12. 2018‒31. 12. 2021)
- Rise of Literacy in Europe Thematic Collection (1. 9. 2017–28. 2. 2019)
- Digitization and Preservation of the Slovenian Immigrant Press in Canada (27. 1. 2012–31. 12. 2012)
- ENUMERATE – A New EU Project on Digital Heritage Statistics (1. 2. 2011–31. 1. 2014)
- Digitization and Preservation of the Meddobje - Entresiglo Magazines and the Svobodna Slovenija Yearbook (16. 3. 2011–31. 12. 2011)
- IMPACT II (Improving Access to Text – part 2) (1. 4. 2010–31. 12. 2011)
- dLib.siPlus – New Content and Services of the Digital Library of Slovenia (17. 8. 2009–30. 9. 2010)
- DEDI II – Extension of the Encyclopaedia of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Slovenia (1. 7. 2009–30. 9. 2010)
- EOD – eBooks on Demand: A European Library Network (1. 5. 2009–30. 4. 2014)
- Europeana Travel (1. 5. 2009–30. 4. 2011)
- DEDI – Digital Encyclopaedia of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Slovenia (15. 3. 2008–15. 10. 2008)
- Europeana Local (1. 6. 2008–31. 5. 2011)
- ARROW – Accessible Registries of Rights Information and Orphan Works towards Europeana (1. 9. 2008–30.3.2011)
- ENTITLE (1. 1. 2008–31. 12. 2009)
- CHRESP: Cultural Heritage Research Meets Practice (1. 4. 2008–31. 7. 2009)
- DRIVER II: Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research (1. 12. 2007–30. 11. 2009)
- TELplus (1. 10. 2007–30. 9. 2009)
- Digital Library of Slovenia – dLib.si (1. 9. 2007–28. 4. 2011)
- Strategy Development for the Digitization of Special Collections within NUK in Order to Protect and Provide Access to the Macedonian Written Cultural Heritage (1. 6. 2007–30. 6. 2008)
- EDLnet (1. 1. 2007–30. 6. 2009)
- DIZZIS - Development of a Digital Collection of Scientific Research and Professional Publications (1. 10. 2006–30. 9. 2008)
- Digitisation on Demand (DoD) (1. 10. 2006–30. 6. 2008)
- EDLproject – European Digital Library Project (1. 9. 2006–28. 2. 2008)
- Web Cultural Heritage (25. 9. 2005–24. 9. 2006)
- TEL-ME-MOR: The European Library: Modular Extensions for Mediating Online Resources (1. 2. 2005–31. 1. 2007)
- PaperVoc: Volatile Organic Compounds in Paper-based Cultural Heritage Collections -
- Source of Information or Risk? (1. 1. 2005–31. 12. 2009)
- PaperTreat – Evaluation of Mass Deacidification Processes (1. 1. 2005–31. 7. 2008)
- SurveNIR - Near Infrared Tool for Collection Surveying (1. 1. 2005–31. 7. 2008)
- Virtual Regional Storage KAMRA - (2005–2008)
- Protection of Diaspora Printed Material in US (2005)
- Digital Library of Slovenia – dLib.si (2005)
- Value Added Services for the Memory of the World (1. 10. 2004–30. 6. 2005)
- reUSE: Reuse Digital Master Files of Printed Material! (26. 6. 2004–25. 6. 2006)
- Deutsch-Slovenisch/Kroatische Übersetzungen 1848–1918 (2004–2008)
- CALIMERA – Cultural Applications: Local Institutions Mediating Electronic Resource Access (1. 12. 2003–31. 5. 2005)
- Microanalytical Methods for Determination of Paper pH (1. 1. 2003–30. 9. 2005)
- Creation of Collection of Full-Text Articles by Slovenian Authors (1. 10. 2003–30. 9. 2005)
- Creation and Analysis of Slovenian Digitized and e-Publications of National Importance (ZDEP) (1. 1. 2003–31. 12. 2004)
- Development of Inventory System and Protection of Library Cultural Heritage of Slovenian National Community along the Border, and Material of Expatriates (1. 10. 2003–30. 9. 2005)
- Slovenian Books on Market (1. 2. 2003–31. 1. 2004)
- Methodology of Collecting and Archiving Slovenian Electronic Publications on Internet (1. 10. 2002–30. 09. 2004)
- InkCor – Stabilisation of Iron Gall Ink Containing Paper (1. 3. 2002–28. 2. 2005)
- COSEC Consortium (September 2002 – February 2004)
- Development of Technical Laser Prototype System for Paper Restoration (1. 7. 2001–31. 12. 2003)
- Linking and Exploring Authority Files (LEAF) (1. 3. 2001–31. 5. 2004)
- TEL – The European Library (1. 2. 2001–31. 1. 2004)
- Standard Slovenian Subject-heading List (1. 1. 2001–31. 3. 2002)
- Chemiluminescence – a Novel Tool in Paper Conservation Studies (PAPYLUM) (1. 7. 2001–31. 1. 2005)
- Centres for Continuing Education of Librarians (2000–2003)
- Development of New Procedures for Paper and Parchment Preservation (2000)
- Information literacy - My Route to Europe (2000)
- Digitization of Collection of Famous Slovenes Portrait Photos (1999–2001)
- Digitization of Kopitar's cCllection of Slavic Medieval Codices (1999–2001)
- Slovenian Rules of Cataloguing (1999–2001)
- Overview of German Collections in Slovenian Libraries (1999–2000)
- Inventory of State of Medieval Manuscripts (1999)
- Register of Public Libraries (1999–2000)
- Retrospective Catalogue Conversion 1948–1988 (1998–2001)
- Development of Library Activity for Blind and Visually Impaired Users of Public Libraries (1998–2001)
- Multilingual Dictionary of Library Terminology (1998–2000)
- Electronic Cleaning of Vinyl Discs (1998–1999)
- Laser Cleaning of Paper and Parchment (LACLEPA) (1. 1. 1997–1. 1. 2002)
- Slovenian Bibliography on CD-ROM (1997–1998)
- Retrospective Catalogue Conversion – Catalogue for Period from 1774–1947 (1996–1998)
- Dictionary of Library Terminology (1987–2002)