Information and Responsibility:
Address: Head: Education: Librarian Examinations: |
Counselling: Knjižničarske novice portal (Editor-in-chief): Library codes: BibSiSt: |
In cooperation with other departments of the National and University Library, its Library System Development, Consulting and Professional Training department (IRIS) provides professional support for the development of libraries.
The Department activity includes:
- informing the professional public about new developments in the profession and about the libraries' activities,
- organisation of training courses for library staff and users,
- organisation and conducting of examinations in librarianship,
- participation in the procedures for the recognition of professional titles in the library sector,
- editing of the Knjižničarske novice (Library News) portal,
- keeping public register (records) of libraries,
- collecting, processing and disseminating statistical and other data on the operation of libraries,
- making of analyses, reports, tables, surveys and other documents on the operation of libraries,
- checking eligibility criteria for implementing public library services and
- assigning identification numbers to libraries and related organizations (SIGLA/ISIL).
The Department also coordinates library advisory services.
The Department is also responsible for collecting, analysing and presenting statistical and other data on the performance of libraries. The work of department is closely intertwined with the Department of Research, which conducts surveys in the field of library and information science, and provides a variety of professional material to support the functioning of libraries and the library system. The research group is presented on the Research Activity webpage which includes the list of ongoing and completed research projects.