Happiness is in Books, Happiness is in Picture Books

December 3rd 2017 - February 28th 2018

naslovnica razstave

On the 100th anniversary of the publication of the first Slovenian picture book, the fairy-tale word of Martin Krpan is on display, as well as the manuscript of Fran Levstik, the author the book.

Illustration as a special part of fine arts is present from antiquity. Often, ornamented manuscripts are the only ones that are preserving the painting of past. Nevertheless, professional literature on illustration is scarce, especially works for children. Opinions on the role (or even function) of illustration in relation to different genres of literature are sometimes diametrically opposed, and on today’s growingly influence of visual communications. Irrespective of its understanding, there is no doubt that illustration has the most wide-ranging applicability. It reflects space and time that have created it - regardless of its role - in education, publicity or in imagination. Children's book illustration is important since its influence goes beyond literacy and learning about literature. Leafing through a book leads to observation of the world that surrounds us. While getting to learn letters, we discover a special visual language that later enables understanding of non-verbal, archetypal messages. Illustration is not a diminished image, wholly subordinated to book. 

Slovenian picture book is at high literary and artistic level. It is an equal stone in the mosaic of the European picture book. Literary characters in picture books are active, noble, courageous, honest – they are heroes-seekers and not heroes-victims, they represent outer conflicts and desires of children, and adults as well. These characters are eternally young and are constants in our lives. Honorary Patron of the exhibition is Mr Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia.

Dr Milena Mileva Blažić, Judita Krivec Dragan and students of the Faculty of Arts (University of Ljubljana) under mentorship of Marija Nabernik, MA , Assist. Prof., Suzana Bricel, MA, Assist. Prof. and Assistants Andrej Kamnik, MA and Tanja Semion.
Exhibition Room NUK, entrance hall of the Main Reading Room, Plečnik Hallway and NUK Cafe

Monday - Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 2pm



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