Adress: Opening hours: | dr. Renata Šolar T: + 386 1 2001 159 E: |
Areas of Responsibility
- To collect, process, preserve, represent and make available the primary national collection of cartographic material.
- To collect, process, preserve, represent and make available pictorial material, including posters, calendars, works of art, portrait photographs, postcards etc.
- To cooperate in the compilation of the Slovenian National Bibliography for cartographic material.
- To provide information and reference services, and educational activities.
- The collection material is used for exhibitions and graphic design of monographs.
- To cooperate in the development of the Digital Library of Slovenia.
Holdings of cartographic materials
- Geographical, historical and ethnographic atlases
- General and thematic maps
- Slovenian and Yugoslav topographic maps
- Town and city maps
- Old Austrian special maps and general maps (the second half of 19th century, the beginning of 20th century)
Valuable cartographic material
- Old atlases compiled by well-known cartographers: Abraham Ortelius (Theatrum orbis terrarum), Gerard Mercator (Atlas Minor), the families: Sanson d‛Abbeville (the historical atlas by Pierre Du Val from 1666), Bleau (Theatrun orbis terrarum, Sive Atlas novus), de l‛Isle and Coronelli. Isolario by Benedetto Borone from 1534 is among the oldest items in the collection.
- Manuscript and old printed maps compiled between 16th and 19th centuries: the oldest cartographic materials are 26 Latin manuscript maps by Peter Freiländer from 1520. A map of Styria compiled by the Austrian cartographer G. M. Vischer (1678) is of great importance for Slovenian history of cartography. The collection also holds the most important work from the period of Maria Teresia titled Dvcatvs Carnioliae Tabula Chorographica by Janez Dizma Florjančič de Grünfeld from 1744.
- All four editions of “Zemljovid slovenske dežele in pokrajin” (A map of the Slovene Country and Regions) by Peter Kozler published in Vienna in 1853, 1864 and 1871 can be considered rarities in the collection. The collection also keeps the test print of this map from 1852, which is the only one known up to now.
Holdings of pictorial material
- topographies and spatial reviews of Slovenian towns
- works of art and reproductions of national and international artists
- posters
- postcards of Slovenian and other places
- portrait photographs of famous Slovenians
- calendars, documentary photographs, exlibrises etc.
Valuable pictorial material
- Old topographies and spatial reviews of the Slovenian places: Topographia Ducatus Carnioliae modernae (Wagensperg 1679) by Janez Vajkard Valvasor, Topographia arcium Lambergianarum (Bagenspergi 1679) and Topographia Archiducatus Carinthiae Modernae (Wagensperg 1681), Topographia Ducatus Stiriae (1681) by Georg Matthäus Vischer, Litographirte Ansichten den Steyermarkischen Staedte by Kaiser and Malerische Ansichten aus Krain (Klagenfurt 1842-48) by J. Wagner.
- A collection of works of art and reproductions of national and international artists: watercolours and drawings by the Slovenian artists: Ivan Vavpotič, Hinko Smrekar, Božidar Jakac, Maksim Gaspari, Bara Remec, Ivan Kos, Nikolaj Omersa etc. A comprehensive collection of the engravings by Daniel N. Chodowieck (1726 - 1801) is considered of special significance among the international artists.
- A collection of the Slovenian posters: it consists of a comprehensive collection of posters mostly from 1945 on: theatre, film, political, sport and commercial posters, etc.
- A collection of postcards of the Slovenian places and artistic postcards (the complete collection of the postcards by Maksim Gaspari).
- A collection of portrait photographs of famous Slovenians.
- A collection of exlibrises (national and international ones).
- 200 photographs by Fran Vesel.