When registering with the Library, users with disabilities are entitled to a reduced membership fee.
By appointment we can:
- offer a free-of-charge assistance when visiting the Library premises and events.
- organise group or individual visits of the Library,
- extend the loan periods,
- make a presentation of library services in NUK or your organisation, or organise a course on searching information resources.
NUK employees respond to users’ needs on an individual basis – we are seeking solutions to problems or answers to users’ questions as soon they occur. We are always open to your suggestions.The library is trying to overcome all obstacles that present a problem to people with disabilities in accessing the library services and materials. Should you have any suggestions for improvement, please contact gorazd.vodeb@nuk.uni-lj.si
Access to the library is adapted to the needs of the disabled and visually impaired visitors. You are advised to enter the Library from Vegova Street, through the Newspaper Reading Room entrance. Visually impaired visitors are recommended to use the entrance from Vegova Street because the main entrance is relatively dark. Please ring the bell on the glass door. You can also notify us in advance by phone +386 1 2001 209.
Regrettably, there is no car park for the disabled but you can park your car in the nearby NUK car park or in the Kongresni Trg multi-storey car park.
Due to the specific ground plan you are advised to ask the security guard or the library staff to accompany you to the elevator, stairs and spaces. The physically handicapped can take the elevator to visit all library premises, except the Music Collection. To access the basement (Computer and Learning Space, Plečnik Corridor, NUK Café), ask the security guard or the reference librarian of the Newspaper Reading Room for help. Toilets adapted for wheelchair users are located in the basement and on the ground floor.
Information on NUK library services, library materials, electronic resources, etc. is available by:
- Phone + 386 1 2001 188),
- E-mail CIS@nuk.uni-lj.si,
- Filling-in the Ask us web form,
- Asking for assistance from the librarian in the Information Centre, the Main Reading Room or in the Special Collections reading rooms.
Library materials are kept at different locations: onsite storage, offsite storage and special collections storages. With the exception of few collections, the users cannot access the bookshelves by themselves; items are only available by placing your order.
If you need help in ordering and accessing the library materials, please contact us by phone + 386 1 2001 188 or by e-mail cis@nuk.uni-lj.si. Our reference librarians will collect the material you need – depending on its accessibility, working hours etc., and deliver it to the appropriate reading room.